Dr. Gene Vandervort performs forehead and brow lifting to put the eyebrows back in their normal position, thus reducing ridges and furrows on the forehead to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Brow lifts can typically be performed in conjunction with other surgeries.
Generally, incisions are made behind the hairline to conceal surgical scars. The brows and forehead are then elevated. Newer, advanced techniques allow our cosmetic surgeon to perform forehead lifting through smaller incisions in the scalp and using specialized instruments, such as an endoscope, to accelerate the healing process. This procedure typically takes about one hour.
Post-Operative Information
Once the skin has been sutured closed, a pressure bandage will be applied. You will need to wear this consistently for two weeks, and then nightly for an additional two to four weeks. Our team may also prescribe antibiotics for several days to prevent infection following surgery. We will remove the sutures or staples generally within one week of the brow lift. Some bruising and swelling may occur but will subside within a few weeks.
Our cosmetic surgeon may prescribe eye exercises and ice compresses to help reduce swelling and regain mobility in your facial muscles. Two weeks after surgery, you will be allowed to use eye cosmetics again. You should be able to proceed with your normal daily activities within one to two weeks following the procedure. A final evaluation may occur within several months from the initial brow lift.
Please feel free to call or stop by Loudoun Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery if you have more questions about whether you could benefit from a brow lift in Leesburg or Ashburn, Virginia.